Sister company Plan Software: Record year and growth

During the annual kick-off meeting of our sister company Plan Software – held entirely remotely this time – the CEOs Mesut Cengiz, Kevin Dewi, and Michael Wille shared the successful company development of recent years. A new record year was celebrated as revenues surpassed the 4 million euro mark, reaching nearly 4.2 million euros. The number of employees has also grown from 25 in 2017 to over 50. Combined with us, the team now comprises more than 160 members, including software developers, business analysts, solution managers, as well as team and project leaders. Together, they support the digital transformation of industries that often remain analog.

In recent years, Plan Software has expanded its services in the areas of Configuration, E-Commerce, IoT, and SAP. For 2021, the focus lies on integrated and tailored configuration and E-commerce solutions. Of particular note is the development of a configuration software, which offers a new runtime environment and seamless integration with SAP. Learn more about Plan Software and discover highlights from various projects, along with the challenges successfully overcome by our sister company: project stories here.