ISO certification confirms quality at sister company Plan Software

Since 2011, our sister company Plan Software has been certified according to DIN ISO 9001. This commitment to quality in the German software industry reflects our dedication to delivering top-notch solutions. Annual process reviews maintain this certification, alternating between smaller surveillance audits and a major recertification audit.

In November 2020, a significant recertification audit took place with the accredited certifier TÜV SGS. Under the constraints of “Corona conditions,” a hybrid model was employed for the first time: The core team, composed of Jana Schaum (Quality Management Officer) and Michael Wille (Managing Director), met the certifier in person at our premises. Other process owners were connected via web meetings as needed.

Core processes were examined, including product development, project execution, sales, as well as leadership and support processes (such as training, system administration, hosting). Despite the challenges posed by rapid growth, they successfully navigated the certification process – an achievement that especially reflects the experienced and skilled workforce. Our sister company continuously enhances this strength through internal and external training initiatives, a fact that we take immense pride in!